Lifestyle GOP push plan to criminalize health services for trans kids Published 5 years ago on September 3, 2020 By Matt Collins Editor Share Tweet TOPEKA, Kan. — Rep. Stephanie Byers castigated four Republican representatives Wednesday for introducing legislation that would put physicians in prison for providing services to transgender children. Byers, a Democrat from Wichita and the state’s first openly transgender legislator, said House Bill 2210 would have a tragic impact on a population that struggles with suicide. “A young Stephanie Byers should not have to walk the walk that I did,” Byers said. “We can make a difference for these kids. And this basically holds back the clock and says, ‘Nope, we’re not doing that.’” Related Topics: Up Next Volunteers see the fruit of their efforts at KNI food distribution Don't Miss TFI Family Services breaks ground on gymnasium Advertisement Trending