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Kansas author says key to financial control is removing emotions surrounding money



OVERLAND PARK, Kan. — Darcy Elizabeth admits that she was comfortable when she was in debt. Accountants who have turned to writers and money consultants in Ottawa, Kansas, say people unknowingly feel financially emotional. This is what she calls money design.

Elizabeth said people prefer to stay in a comfortable place. For her, that meant she was in debt.

Her new book and “More money, more power?Explain how she found financial freedom.

“It works with your body to be comfortable to allow you to stay neutral [when it comes to money]Sounds crazy, but many of us are crazy about the drama and struggling at a very unconscious level, “Elizabeth explained in an interview with Rainy Day Books on the Kansas fairway.

The COVID-19 pandemic makes many people feel that their finances are out of control. Elizabeth says it’s a great time to consider how emotions affect their financial situation.

She believes that changing your mindset will allow you to find financial control regardless of the situation.

“It’s not just this magic that changes the inside and causes your bank account to jump to $ 1 million,” Elizabeth pointed out. “It will actually allow you to take action to get what you want in a much easier way. It will take the right action to get what you want. Useful for. “

According to Elizabeth’s approach, money must be a tool for achieving goals, not desire.

“It robs the pedestal of money and puts your dreams in front of your dreams and your desires. I know that money will support you as you move towards them. It’s a shift in thinking that it’s really no longer money, money, money, but what do you want money for? “She explained.

